torsdag 19 augusti 2010

Legalisera NU!

The growing violence in Monterrey, long one of Mexico's most modern and safe cities, is a sign that the country's war against drug gangs is spreading ever further from poorer battlegrounds along the border and into the country's wealthiest enclaves.

Monterrey is only the latest sign of mounting problems in Mexico's war on organized crime. The official toll since President Calderón took power in December 2006 is more than 28,000, according to government figures through July.

In April, hooded men raided a Holiday Inn in Monterrey taking several hostages, who remain missing. The month before, two doctorate students were killed as bystanders in a shootout at Mexico's most prestigious university, the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, known as Monterrey Tech.

As Monterrey's roads have become danger zones, so has its esteemed university, the Monterrey Tech. In March, Javier Arredondo and Jorge Antonio Mercado were killed on the campus after a shootout with soldiers. Initially, the military said the two were hit men. It later surfaced they were unarmed students. Last week, Mexico's National Human Rights Commission said the military had planted weapons on the students. Mexico's military denies having done so.

Allt detta för att man ska förbjuda folk att göra som de vill med sina egna kroppar?

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