I artikeln som nämns nedanför så beskriver Michael Lewis hur Grekland fuskade med sin statistik för att få bli medlem i EMU. En varningssignal som fanns redan då var att grekerna tycktes låna ungefär dubbelt så mycket pengar som det officiellt redovisade budgetunderskottet.
"Which is to say that even at the time, some observers noted that Greek numbers never seemed to add up. A former I.M.F. official turned economic adviser to former Greek prime minister Konstantinos Mitsotakis turned Salomon Brothers analyst named Miranda Xafa pointed out in 1998 that if you added up all the Greek budget deficits over the previous 15 years they amounted to only half the Greek debt. That is, the amount of money the Greek government had borrowed to fund its operations was twice its declared shortfalls. "
från Vanity Fair
Nu skriver vissa bloggar att i princip samma sak gäller för USA. I genomsnitt har USA lånat 50% mer pengar än vad det officiella underskottet visar.
"The US Treasury department continues to issue debt well in excess of the monthly deficit. When we conducted our analysis initially, the average debt issued over any given period's deficit was $34 billion (beginning in October 2006). To be sure, this number has increased to an average of over $35 billion when taking into account the last few months' data. In other words, over the past 47 months, or almost 4 full fiscal years, the US has accumulated a $3.3 trillion deficit, while over the same period, total Federal debt increased by $4.9 trillion, from $8.6 trillion to $13.4 trillion. What many pundits have yet to realize is that on average the US issues exactly 50% more debt than it needs to merely fund its deficit"
Från Zerohedge
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